Company News Archives

MILFORD, Indiana, U.S.A. — Joe Redmond has been named Vice President and General Manager for Ironwood Plastics, according to Marc Plastow, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for CTB, Inc. In his new position, Redmond will research, develop, lead, and execute divisional strategies to drive short and long-term organizational goals for profitable business growth and […]

Ironwood Plastics Awarded Michigan Going Pro Grant
Ironwood Plastics applied for and was awarded a Going Pro Grant from the State of Michigan. This grant was used for Leadership Training. Training was completed by Ryan Galerneau of Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center over a 5 week period of time. Our employees learned skills to become more competent and confident leaders following an Active […]

Employee Service Recognition – First Quarter 2022
Ironwood Plastics, Inc. recently recognized Employee Service Milestones to the following team members: 25 years – Randy Ahnen 15 years – Karen Coppersmith, Lisa Kiesow, and Vance Robbins 5 years – Jessica Rundell THANK YOU for your contributions in providing world class products and services to our customers.

Employee Referral Program Continues in 2022
HR Manager Theresa Turula presented the first Employee Referral bonus checks to Tina Westeen and Kim Kasten. Each employee will receive $500! The program was started as a way to attract new employees. Tina referred Kim and she has proven to be a great addition to Ironwood Plastics. We have decided to continue this program […]

Two Rivers Team Pitches in for Lakeshore Humane Society
Ironwood Plastics in Two Rivers asked employees to help pitch in with a community involvement project, by donating various items to the Lakeshore Humane Society in Manitowoc, during the month of September. The collection drive was a big success. In addition to filling up the back of this SUV Ironwood Plastics, Inc donated a check […]

Ironwood Plastics Celebrates Accomplishments
Recently, the entire Ironwood Plastics Two Rivers team enjoyed a pizza party to celebrate their multiple accomplishments including:Six months no customer rejectsSix months OCE met (Ontime, Complete, Error Free Shipment)Six months DPPM met (Defective Parts Per Million)Six months scrap under World Class goalTwelve months change-over goal met2021 Safety Best Practices Awards- 2nd Place